Beginning Watercolor 2 Series with Pam Bleakney
- $115.00 - OMAM Member Price
- $128.00 - Non-Member Price
Tuesdays, Feb. 20-27 & March 5-19, 2024 | 10:30am - 1:30pm
Pam Bleakney’s Beginning, Beginning Watercolor series or some watercolor experience is a prerequisite for this class. Students will use the limited color palette from the previous class, and add Cerulean Blue, Lemon Yellow and Permanent Rose. The four-part series will begin simply with fruit and vegetables, simple landscapes, birds, animals, and flowers and then move on to painting subject matter of the students’ interest. In addition, the instructor will use planned lessons and practice sheets, plus plenty of demonstrations. Please note there is no class on March 12th.
Your instructor will provide watercolor paper (cold press) and Cotman paints by Winsor and Newton. Students are responsible for some supplies; please see the list below.
Supplies you need to BRING:
Watercolor Brushes:
Script or liner, or rigger brush
Rounds #’s 2, 4, and 8
¾ Angle or flat brush.
If you already have brushes bring them to the class. If you can’t get brushes, the instructor has plenty to share.
For Drawing:
Sketch pad (9”x12” or smaller)
#2 pencil
kneaded eraser
masking tape at least an inch
paper towels.
If you need a palette please let Pam know when you sign up, and she will provide one: Call Pam at 386-872-4556 or e-mail
Registration will close when workshop is full.