Felted Sunglass Case Workshop with Liz Canali
- $60.00 - OMAM Member Tuition
- $67.00 - Non-Member Tuition
Saturday, May 4, 2024 | 10:30am - 1:30pm
Explore how to make seamless felt using a resist. Introduction to different types of wool and embellishments, lying out the wool and proper fulling techniques will be taught in this workshop. Techniques learned in this class can be used to create a number of items including pocketbooks, cat caves, vessels, hats and more
About the Instructor:
Liz Canali studied art and art education receiving a BS at Southern Connecticut State College. Her felt work has been displayed in galleries throughout New England and Florida. Liz has been featured in Western Massachusetts Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Felt New Zealand and the Orlando Sentinel. Liz's work includes sculpture, illuminated felt, wall hangings and women's accessories (hats, scarves, bags). She has a background in art administration and teaching. She teaches classes and workshops in both wet felting and needle felting.
Registration will close when program is full.